New yearbook editors have been spending their week at MIPA J-Cation gaining new ideas on design, teamwork, themes and more from one another and instructor Brian Wilson. As the week came to a close, the students prepared for their final presentation.
“Throughout the course of the week, (the students) have been working on theme packets,” Wilson said. “They consist of their cover, end sheet title page, stuff like that. Some of them are alone and some are working in a group. We are presenting them today in two separate groups. They are showing the pages to the group and explaining why they did it how they did. Then a group of teaching staff, including myself, will judge them and we will award Sparty awards based on it tomorrow.”

For some yearbook students, the assignment can be intimidating.
“I am so nervous because I’m going into eighth grade and most people here are going to be seniors,” Rachel Ovalle from Traverse City Easy Middle School said. “But I’ve learned how to bring everyone together and make my staff more comfortable next year.”
Although some are nervous, others said they are looking forward to the experience that was about an hour away.
“I’m feeling good because I don’t really get nervous,” David Adams from Lahser High School said. “I’m going to explain our theme and design elements, like colors, and why we chose them. Then also just the ideas that are going in our heads and why.”
Overall, the importance of the class is not how well you present or whether you get an award, it is what you take away from it, Wilson said.
“I think we’ll take away a better understanding of what we need to do and where to go with it,” Adams said. “We have a good starting place now.” By Katie Ziraldo / Upstart Staff
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