Five summers ago, MIPA coordinators awarded the first MIPA Cup. Since then, classes have spent their week at MIPA competing to bring honor and glory to themselves, their classes and their schools. MIPA Cup coordinator Sara-Beth Badalamente said she has several activities for students to participate in to win points. She said students should be sure to sign in at each activity to collect points for their class. Points are weighted so smaller classes have equal chances to win. Each activity students check in at will count as one point to their class, except for volleyball. Each team that shows up to their game and has at least six players will receive five points. Teams that win will be awarded an additional five points.
Here’s how to win:
Pokemon Go
Pokemon, gotta catch ’em all, Gotta catch ’em all, points and Pokeballs. Sign up to play Pokemon Go around the MSU Campus and make your mom proud of you for always playing video games.
Come out to one of the three volleyball courts for some team bonding and to remind yourself why you’re at journalism camp, not sports camp. Play your best and work your way up the bracket to the top.
Check out the bracket at this site to see who and when is playing.
Instagram Challenge
Spot the spotted dog and take a selfie or creative photo with him to post on your Instagram. Tag it #MIPA2016 and each day the most creative photo will be chosen for a prize and all submissions will be given points. He moves hiding places so make sure to keep an eye out!
Are you dying to know if JoJo picks Jordan or Robby? Come to the West Shaw lounge tonight to watch the Bachelorette and earn some points for the cup. Keep your eye on the prize while Jordan and Robby try to keep their eye on the rose.
Squirt Gun Painting
Come out to the terrace on Monday from 4 to 5 to trade in your paintbrush for a squirt gun and make some refrigerator art.
Cool off from the summer heat with a nice swim at MSU’s pool from 4 to 5. Swimmers can meet in the West Shaw lobby at four to walk over to the pool and take a dip.
i thought the article was very well written. I thought it was neat how you started the article of as if you were telling a story. I also laughed at the occasional sarcasm slipped into the article, I thought that gave the article some personality, and made it fun to read. I also thought that when talking about how to win the mipa cup, you gave answers which sounded intellegent, yet straight forward and easy to understand. Overall, the article was helpful, imformative, and funny. Great job!