By Arianna Smith

According to the class syllabus, Entertainment Coverage students will complete at minimum seven articles by MIPA’s end on Thursday, including two music reviews and a Q&A with Zac of American Authors.
“My hope is that the students will be able to bring fresh ideas with an entertainment focus back to their home publications,” said Instructor Jamie Flanagan. “The syllabus is more strenuous than years past, because people requested more writing be added. They can challenge themselves if they want, or not.”
In between learning proper journalistic style, movie and music review writing and a crash course in food critiquing at the MSU Dairy Store, Entertainment Coverage students will create their MIPA portfolios and cover events including the Monday Press conference with Pulitzer Prize winner Farah Stockman Monday evening.
“I’m excited by the workload. It is a lot, but I paid my money and I came here to work.” said Entertainment student Sarah Robson.
Tuesday includes Packaging stories and Convergence with the Detroit News and podcast reporting; Wednesday is set aside for InDesign and layout tutorials, and individual conferencing with Flanagan.
Good article. It made me interested to hear what else the class has to offer. It would have been interesting to hear a couple more students’ thoughts on the class, but otherwise it was a concise, informative article.
– Seth Allred