Rod Satterthwaite is part of the Student Press Law Center’s (SPLC) Advisory Council Steering Committee who is looking for MIPA students that have received services from SPLC. The nonproft organization is directed by Frank LoMonte. Their purpose is to be a legal assistance agency for high school and college journalists to educate about the rights and responsibilities in the First Amendment and help prevent student jounralists from being censored.
“[The Advisory Council Steering Committee] is a group of teachers from the high shcool and college level that give Frank LoMonte some indication of what high school teachers and students need from them and what college students need,” said Satterthwaite.
MIPA students can share a one to two minute testimonial about how the SPLC helped their publication in a video that will be shown at the 40th anniversary fundrasing dinner of the SPLC this fall in Washington D.C.
Satterthwaite’s goal is to gather three or four students from Michigan to include their testimonial on the video.
If you, your staff, or someone you know has used SPLC’s services in your publication and want to share your testimonial, contact Rod Satterthwait. He is teaching Sports Coverage in 211 Bessey Hall.

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