The Bobby Hawthorne Experience is set apart from other offered courses at MIPA, as it is taught at a faster pace in an advanced journalistic setting. Hawthorne, the author of the journalism textbook The Radical Write and a MIPA veteran, said he eases his students into increasingly challenging techniques as the week goes on.
“So far we’ve covered finding stories and voice and my guess is that we’ll be working with description, literary devices and developing entire stories through the events provided,” Hawthorne said.
Among the students in Hawthorne’s class was senior Katherine Colleran from Mercy High School, who said she has gained an entirely new perspective on various journalistic techniques after just one day of attending the class.
“In our first session, Bobby stressed the points of deciding when it’s efficient to break the rules of average journalism and when it’s necessary to gain new, unique perspectives while finding the best angle by asking the right person the right questions,” Colleran said.

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