On Aug. 1, Melanie Fodera from Troy High School wandered around the Ingham County Fair struggling whether to photograph her given assignment, “people and food” or the idea that captivated her most—farm animals. Out of the amount of rides, food stands and race car derbys, farm animals are typically the least interesting feature, but to Fodera it’s the only attraction.

“I show my animals at my county fair, so I think animals are most appealing to me here,” she said. “I see a cow and I’m like, ‘Oh cool!’ I think it’s amazing.”
A few photography students were given a photography theme and selected to attend the Ingham County Fair to get an off-campus, hands-on experience.
“I was given people and food, but it’s hard to do it without being creepy. I’d prefer to photograph the animals,” Fodera said.
As a MIPA veteran, Fodera spoke about how MIPA helped fulfill her passion for photography. “MIPA really helped me with my pictures for yearbook,” she said. “I started photography myself in middle school and it just sort of went from there.”
Fodera decided to abide by her given topic for a while, but ultimately her knowledge of the dogs, horses, donkeys and other animals that she shows persuaded her to photograph animals the most. By Taylor Hale/Upstart Staff
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