While on campus there is one thing every student hears about, Chad Change.
Chad Change is a way for students to win prizes at the closing ceremony and get to know the face on the dollar bill.
“Chad Change was created to better interact with kids,” said Workshop Director Chad Sanders.
However; before there was Chad Change there was Betsy’s Bucks. Betsy Rou, former Workshop Director came up with the idea because she was not getting a chance meet with the students and these bucks helped her talk to students.
“She came up with the idea because she could not interact with the kids,” said Sanders.
When Sanders took over as workshop director he changed Betsy’s Bucks to chadinar and later to Chad Change.
“(Chadinar) was a little too complicated,” said Sanders.
Once you are handed Chad Change all you have to do is fill out the back and put it in the “CC” ATM and hope your name is drawn at the closing ceremony.
“There is some little prizes and some big prizes, said Sanders.
Obtaining Chad Change is simple all you have to do is talk to Sanders tell him a little about yourself or the school you go to.
“I drop a stack when students sign up to meet with me,” said Sanders.
Students Siiri Asiala and Lilly Prall learned just how easy it is to get your hands on Chad Change this afternoon.
“We had to stop in the office and he just gave us some,” said Asiala.
Pretty good coverage, but some of your quotes are a bit redundant.
The news is something we already know about and I don’t know how “newsy” it is. Maybe expand how the success in the Journalism field is based on communication and working with staff, and then how Chad Change is important. It just wasn’t as interesting as I hoped, and the one line quotes didn’t give much insight.
Thank you for your feedback, I will keep it in mind for future stories.