While some MIPA campers are forced to wait until September to see their advisers, several joined the workshop on Tuesday, July 30 for the annual adviser day.
“It gives the advisers a chance to see what really great things the kids are doing,” executive MIPA director Jeremy Steele said. “They get to see what MIPA is all about and what we do here, and it gives them a chance to see what it’s doing for the kids.”
Kathryn Dodge, yearbook and newspaper adviser of North Farmington High School and former MIPA camp floor counselor attended adviser day as a chance to check in with her students.
“Having your adviser around to get feedback, and to feel more comfortable and just feel reassured that what your doing is good is a really good opportunity,” Dodge said. “It’s a chance to make sure that they’re getting what they want out of camp and that this is the place to fail or to try new things.”
Comforted by their adviser’s presence, Dodge’s yearbook students Andrea Kopitz and Meghan Hurley were reassured by their adviser’s support.
“First and foremost, I miss her a lot,” Kopitz said. “But it’s great to see her; she knows us a lot better than the teachers here. And when she’s around, she can get past all of the other stuff in our heads. When we’re struggling, she knows how to fix it.”
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