In their second year teaching Shoot Like a Pro together at MIPA, Mike Caterina and Ike Lea are instructing amateur photographers to compose and edit photos like professionals. On the first morning of class, Caterina and Lea presented information on camera control basics while aiding students with their individual cameras.
Tonight, along with students from Beyond the Basics, the Shoot Like a Pro students will work on their newly acquired skills at the Ingham County Fair.
“[Students] will have an individual assignment that they will be working on at the fair, so each student will get a piece of the fair to make a photo story [about],” Caterina said.

Photo by Bo Brueck
Photo assignments include food stands, 4H barns, and fair attendees on various rides.
“It’s basically the same kind of assignment you would get if you were a journalist at a newspaper,” Caterina said.
Junior Diante’ Brown, a yearbook photographer from Henry Ford Academy in Dearborn, Mich. is currently taking Shoot Like a Pro. Brown has been interested in photography since he was in eighth grade. He sees himself as an “aspiring photographer” and is eager to gain more knowledge regarding manual shooting.
“This will be my second night night shooting,” Brown said. “I like night shots, especially [because] at the fair there’s going to be a lot of lights and different colored lights. It should be fun.”
The bus leaves from West Shaw Hall at 5:30 p.m.. Tomorrow, Lea and Caterina will assist students as they review photos and go on their second photo assignment at a local basketball game.
[…] “Shoot like a Pro” students talk about their experience in the class and how they are using their newfound knowledge in the real world. The class is run by second year teachers, Ike Lea and Mike Caterina, for more information on “Shoot like a Pro” click here. […]