On the first full day of the MIPA 2013 camp, the lunch room was hopping with students searching for interviews, finishing articles and wearing a few crazy hats. Some campers participated in the special event of the day and won some awesome prizes.

Most campers who wore hats donned the classic baseball cap, except for a few cowboy hats and a sombrero. For Monday, campers were encouraged to “put on your best thinking cap…your favorite or most fun hat.” Check out some of the great hats below. Let us know what you think of the hats, by leaving a comment in the box section below.
Tuesday: Find your biggest pair of sunglasses you can and your brightest clothes. Make yourself really stand out.
Wednesday: Show your staff love by wearing your staff shirt or school shirt.
Make sure to stay up to date with all the activities at MIPA 2013 by following @mipamsu on Twitter!
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