Cammie Hall is the instructor of Writing and Designing for News which is an introductory course for learning the basics of putting together a news story. Students learn to write news and feature type stories and then take them and put them into packages to expand it to newspaper, yearbook and even online and social media.
“I’m trying to give them everything essentially that is not just about the print edition, all though that is the focus initially,” Hall said. “I have students that are primarily from newspaper but I also have yearbook students as well, so we are looking at those two and then adding the online component.”
Students are learning how to put everything it takes to make a news story together so that they will have the skills necessary when they go back as a reporter to feel secure in any of the different areas of reporting.
“We are looking at writing designing and photography and how to package a story together,” Hall said. “They will start out with the basics of writing and putting together a story and then they will expand it on Tuesday and Wednesday.”
It’s actually CAMMIE Hall. Not Carrie. 🙂