So much information to take in, in so little time. The Advanced InDesign students were definitely up to the challenge, and plan to show off their skills during today’s classes. If you’ve been keeping up with the Advanced Upstart Newspaper students (in my first and second stories on them), you know that they have learned basics, effects, techniques, and more in the InDesign program to really take their school newspapers to new heights. According to MIPA student Erykah Benson, InDesign is better than PhotoShop and helps add uniqueness to her school newspaper. “InDesign is very useful and this class has given me many ideas on how to improve my school’s paper for this year.” Said Benson.
Today’s task was to design the “perfect page” for their newspapers. The students could use whatever images or content that they chose; Mr. Woehrle put no limit on this assignment. Students had the ability to incorporate designs from the sample pages earlier this week, and were also encouraged to try new things. Great advice that he gave to his students, that your should remember too, “the sky is the limit.”

The goal that he gave to all of the Advanced InDesign students was to make two pages by 4:00. Can they do it? “I would feel super great if these students could create two great pages. I know they can. They are amazing students who have worked hard all week and are willing to try new things,” Woehrle said.
Not only was this class exciting to both Woehrle and Benson, but they both mentioned MIPA as a whole. They both agree that MIPA is a phenomenal experience for all of those with that journalistic spirit. Mr. Woehrle said that this is the “best camp in America.” Do you agree?
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